Sunday 30 May 2010

WBDS One Acts

WBDS has an impressive line up of One Act plays and monologues for its final flurry of the season.

Curses, Foiled Again - a comedy by Evelyn Hood. This is about a local amateur group staging a send up of a Victorian melodrama. Great fun!

Dead Nice - a play about two people who turn up in heaven - but who killed who?

George, Don't Do That - one of the monologues by Joyce Grenfell. A classic performed with a hilarious twist.

When The Koekie Krumbles - an excerpt from a play set in South Africa, about the reality of living in Africa - its not all "Out of Africa".

Performances 8th-10th July, 7.30pm - so get booking now.

The Studio Theatre, Stamford Road, West Bridgford, NG2 6LS

£7 (£6 concessions)

07960 992196

Online at

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