Sunday 30 May 2010

WBDS One Acts

WBDS has an impressive line up of One Act plays and monologues for its final flurry of the season.

Curses, Foiled Again - a comedy by Evelyn Hood. This is about a local amateur group staging a send up of a Victorian melodrama. Great fun!

Dead Nice - a play about two people who turn up in heaven - but who killed who?

George, Don't Do That - one of the monologues by Joyce Grenfell. A classic performed with a hilarious twist.

When The Koekie Krumbles - an excerpt from a play set in South Africa, about the reality of living in Africa - its not all "Out of Africa".

Performances 8th-10th July, 7.30pm - so get booking now.

The Studio Theatre, Stamford Road, West Bridgford, NG2 6LS

£7 (£6 concessions)

07960 992196

Online at

Monday 3 May 2010

My Own Show By Lesley Bruce

I went to a rehearsal today for Act 2 of My Own Show. And really enjoyed it.

Michelene - who is playing Bollards has created this really annoying character - just perfect for the role.
Ali - just looks the part of the TV host, Fay.
Justine - knows all her lines and looks like a businesswoman under pressure.
Linda - with her wig, looks very academic and her acting during the Car Top Trumps card game was hilarious. She clearly has no idea how to play.
And Malcolm as Allen, well, he makes you wonder whether he really is a bit autistic in real life. Very natural and funny.

There is really only set dressing to do for the set, even the On Air sign is finished. And pretty much all the props are done. We even have the sound and lighting design complete - despite the fact that our tech super hero - Ritchie was stuck in Canada due to the "ash cloud".

We will be at the West Bridgford Summer Gathering Saturday 15th May selling tickets. See you there and see you at My Own Show.