Thursday 8 April 2010

Set building continues for My Own Show.

The current schedule is every Saturday (10am-1pm) from now leading up to the show, plus Tuesday 20th April 7.45pm.

The play is being performed 18th-22nd May, 7.30pm, and tickets are available now from the box office 07960 992196 or online from the WBDS website

Anyone who wants to come along and help with set building is welcome. There is set building, painting and staging to do. We are also making one of the props - the giant Dinky car box. So anyone who feels creative just turn up at the Studio Theatre - if you can paint or hammer or screw or make tea, you are welcome.

The Studio Theatre, Stamford Road, West Bridgford, NG2 6LS. Go to the end of Stamford Road, and go up the path between the rugby ground and the allotments.

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